Borough Forms
Click on the form name below to access the form. If you have questions, please contact the Borough Secretary via phone at 412-766-1561 or email at
Ben Avon Heights Lateral Sewer Line Test/CCTV Inspection Form (CCTV inspections required as of 4.12.2022 per Ordinance #349 - form must be submitted 21 days prior to sale transaction closing)Ben Avon Heights Municipal Lien Letter Request Form
Ben Avon Heights Zoning Permit Letter Of Process
Ben Avon Heights Zoning Permit Application Form
Ben Avon Heights Code Enforcement Complaint Form
Borough Ordinances
Joint Comprehensive Plan
2017 Joint Comprehensive Plan - Avalon, Bellvue, Ben Avon, Ben Avon Heights
Ordinances Under Consideration
Zoning Ordinance
Ben Avon Heights Borough Council has received from the Planning Commission its most recent Zoning Ordinance DRAFT 2023-09-12 which has taken into account recent comments from the community during their last Public Meeting. The Planning Commission has also provided a version of this proposed Ordinance with changes from the previous version, Zoning Ordinance DRAFT 2022-07-17. This draft was subbmitted to Allegheny County along with their response letter to the prior draft comments provided by Allegheny County. The County provided comments on this latest draft as well.
Unfortunately due to an unforeseen issue, Council needs to postpone the Public Hearing on the Zoning Ordinance originally scheduled for February 1, 2024. At the next Council Meeting in February, Council will be setting a new date for the hearing and will subsequently re-advertise.
Related documents are: Ben Avon Heights Zoning Map and the 22088-OR Allegheny County Comments to the October 2022 Draft Ordinance.
Existing Ordinances
Below is a listing of all the Ben Avon Heights Borough Ordinances dating back to November 21, 1916. Clicking on any row will either display the ordinance or open a location where the ordinance is located.
Search for:
1 | 1916-11-21 | Authorizing purchase of water plant from Walter Fraser |
2 | 1917-11-19 | Authorizing Manufacturers Light and Heat Co. to transport and supply gas to Borough |
3 | 1918-02-11 | Prohibiting institutions for the treatment of tuberculosis and/or any infectious or contagious disease |
4 | 1918-07-23 | Regulating the laying out of lot plans |
5 | 1918-07-23 | Locating Pershing Road |
6 | 1918-07-23 | Locating Lufberry Road |
7 | 1920-07-20 | Establishing center line of 30' wide road from Banbury Lane to Biddeford Road |
8 | 1920-07-20 | Establishing center line of road from Biddeford Road to Clovelly Road |
9 | 1921-10-13 | Vacating Windmere Road and a portion of Canterbury Road (upon Petition of Shannopin Country Club and Chester Kerr) |
10 | 1921-10-14 | Authorizing contract with Duquesne Light to furnish lighting to streets |
11 | 1921-10-13 | Authorizing connection of sewer system between Ben Avon and Ben Avon Heights |
12 | 1922-06-05 | Assessing tax and millage |
13 | 1922-06-08 | Authorizing construction of retaining wall at Clovelly and Briar Cliff Roads (later vetoed) |
14 | 1922 - 1924 | Subject unknown |
15 | 1922 - 1924 | Subject unknown |
16 | 1924-04-03 | Assessing tax and millage |
17 | 1924-10-14 | Authorizing Bell Telephone and regulating uses/location of poles |
18 | 1924-10-14 | Providing for inspection of telephone, telegraph and electric light holes for license fee |
19 | 1925-03-05 | Assessing tax and millage |
20 | 1925-07-28 | Zoning code |
21 | 1926-03-11 | Assessing tax and millage |
22 | 1926-05-13 | Authorizing taking of land for municipal water works |
23 | 1926-10-14 | Authorizing Duquesne Light to furnish electric to streets for 5 years |
24 | 1926-1927 | Granting Duquesne Light authority for pole use/location |
25 | 1927-03-10 | Assessing tax and millage |
26 | 1927-1928 | Sidewalk ordinance (not signed by Burgess) |
27 | 1928-03-21 | Increase of bonded indebtedness by $28,000 for paving and paying off indebtedness |
28 | 1928-03-21 | Assessing tax and millage |
29 | 1928-07-01 | Increasing bonded indebtedness by $28,000 for paving and paying off indebtedness with attached coupons |
30 | 1928-06-21 | Establishing curb lines and grades on Oxford Road from Biddeford to Clovelly Road |
31 | 1928-06-21 | Establishing curb lines and grades on Warwick Lane, Oxford Road and Banbury Lane |
32 | 1928-06-21 | Establishing curb lines and grades of Banbury Lane from Perrysville Road to Clovelly Road |
33 | 1928-06-21 | Opening and widening of Banbury Lane |
34 | 1928-06-21 | Authorizing grading, etc. of Banbury Lane and providing for sewer laterals, advertising and letting of contracts and assessment of costs, etc. |
35 | 1928-06-21 | Establishing curb lines and grades of Canterbury Road from New Brighton |
36 | 1928-06-21 | Opening and widening Canterbury Road |
37 | 1928-06-21 | Authorizing grading, etc. of Canterbury Road and providing for sewer laterals, advertising, and letting of contracts and assessment of costs, etc. |
38 | 1928-06-21 | Authorizing construction of curb and gutter and resurfacing of Lynton Road |
39 | 1928-06-21 | Authorizing construction of curb and gutter and resurfacing of Penhurst Road |
40 | 1928-06-21 | Establishing curb lines and grades of New Brighton Road |
41 | 1928-06-21 | Authorizing grading, etc. of New Brighton Road and providing for advertising and letters of contracts |
42 | 1928-06-21 | Authorizing resurfacing of Biddeford Road |
43 | 1928-06-21 | Authorizing grading, etc. of Briar Cliffe Road |
44 | 1928-06-21 | Establishing curb lines and grades of Clovelly Road |
45 | 1928-06-21 | Authorizing grading, etc. of Clovelly Road |
46 | 1928-07-01 | Increasing bonded indebtedness by $28,000 |
47 | 1928-08-09 | Adopting standard specifications for curbs and sidewalks |
48 | 1928-08-09 | Authorizing cement sidewalks on Northeast side of New Brighton Road |
49 | 1928-08-09 | Authorizing construction of sanitary pipe sewer on East side of Banbury lane |
50 | 1928-09-13 | Authorizing construction of sanitary pipe sewer in Oxford Road |
51 | 1928-09-13 | Revising ordinance 45 providing for improvement of Clovelly Road |
52 | 1929-01-10 | Defining disorderly conduct |
53 | 1929-01-10 | Regulating parking of motor vehicles |
54 | 1929-03-14 | Assessing tax and millage |
55 | 1929-04-29 | Authorizing grading, etc. of Oxford Road for width of 18 feet |
56 | 1929-12-12 | Changing name of Walnut Road Extension to Cambridge Road |
57 | 1929-12-12 | Regulating traffic on Cambridge Road |
58 | 1930-03-17 | Assessing tax and millage |
59 | 1930-03-17 | Authorizing an agreement with Avalon, Bellevue, and Ben Avon re joint action in abatement of dust from Davison Coke & Iron Co. |
60 | 1931-01-08 | Prohibiting, hogs, cows, chickens and other fowl |
61 | 1931-01-08 | Prohibiting placing of rubbish, etc. in buildings, yards, etc. |
62 | 1931-03-14 | Assessing tax and millage |
63 | 1931-05-18 | Authorizing opening of Biddeford Road |
64 | 1931-05-18 | Authorizing widening of Biddeford Road at intersection with New Brighton Road |
65 | 1931-05-18 | Establishing curb lines and grades of Biddeford Road |
66 | 1931-05-18 | Authorizing grading, etc. of Biddeford Road |
67 | 1932-01-14 | Assessing tax and millage |
68 | 1932-03-10 | Recognizing right of South West PA Pipeline to lay pipelines for transportation |
69 | 1932-03-10 | Authorizing Duquesne Light to furnish electric to streets for 5 years |
70 | 1932-06-27 | Regulating sale, etc. of fireworks or other pyrotechnics |
71 | 1932-12-08 | Imposing 5% penalty on municipal assessments not paid within 90 days |
72 | 1933-02-09 | Assessing tax and millage |
73 | 1933-12-29 | Providing for payment of taxes in installments |
74 | 1933-12-29 | Opening right of way for public service lines and street purposes from Biddeford Road to Banbury Lane |
75 | 1934-02-08 | Assessing tax and millage |
76 | 1934-10-23 | Establishing grade of right of way across McCombs property between Banbury Lane and Biddeford Road |
77 | 1935-01-10 | Regulating use and connections with sanitary sewers |
78 | 1935-03-26 | Assessing tax and millage |
79 | 1935-04-15 | Authorizing grading and paving of Wilson Drive Extension |
80 | 1935-04-15 | Establishing grade on center line of Wilson Drive Extension |
81 | 1936-03-03 | Authorizing grading, etc. of Cambridge Road |
82 | 1936-03-03 | Authorizing construction of a public sanitary sewer in a public walk on Banbury Lane |
83 | 1936-04-13 | Relating to plumbing and house drainage and providing for Plumbing Inspector |
84 | 1936-05-14 | Assessing tax and millage |
85 | 1936-05-14 | Annexing a section of Kilbuck Township (John T. Thompson Plan) to Ben Avon Heights |
86 | 1936-12-10 | Authorizing Duquesne Light to furnish electric to streets for 5 years |
1937-03-23 | Certificate of public convenience - Duquesne Light | |
1937-03-23 | Report and Order re approval of Duquesne Light contract | |
87 | 1937-03-11 | Assessing tax and millage |
88 | 1937-04-12 | Authorizing opening of Devon Road from Perrysville Road to Wilson Drive |
89 | 1937-04-26 | Establishing curb lines and grade of Biddeford Road |
90 | 1937-04-26 | Establishing curb lines and grade of Stratford Road from Clovelly to Biddeford Road |
91 | 1937-04-26 | Authorizing grading, etc. of Clovelly Road |
92 | 1937-05-28 | Vacating a portion of Devon Road between east side of Penhurst and Perrysville Road |
93 | 1937-05-28 | Establishing curb lines and grades of Devon Road |
94 | 1937-05-28 | Authorizing grading, etc. of Devon Road |
95 | 1937-12-27 | Increasing bond indebtedness by $10,000 for funding floating indebtedness |
1937-08-12 | Resolution re dedication of right of way for sanitary sewer | |
96 | 1938-04-11 | Tax ordinance |
97 | 1938-07-20 | Increasing indebtedness by $8,000 for park and playground and funding floating indebtedness |
98 | 1938-09-20 | Increasing indebtedness by $8,000 for park and playground and funding floating indebtedness |
99 | 1939-02-06 | Increasing bonded indebtedness by $6,000 for acquiring land for park and playground |
100 | 1939-03-06 | Tax ordinance |
101 | 1940-03-11 | Tax ordinance |
102 | 1941-03-10 | Tax ordinance |
103 | 1942-01-12 | Authorizing Duquesne Light to furnish electric to streets for 5 years |
104 | 1942-03-12 | Tax ordinance |
105 | 1932-04-12 | Tax ordinance |
106 | 1943-05-10 | Vacating right of way from Biddeford Road to Banbury Lane |
107 | 1944-03-13 | Tax Ordinance |
108 | 1944-12-20 | Requiring quarantine of premises in which someone with measles, chicken pox, mumps or whooping cough was and notice to principals |
109 | 1945-03-12 | Tax Ordinance |
110 | 1946-03-18 | Tax Ordinance |
111 | 1946-09-09 | Contract with Alcosan |
112 | 1947-02-10 | Contract with Duquesne Light |
113 | 1947-03-24 | Tax Ordinance |
114 | 1947-05-05 | Requiring future extension of telephone lines to be placed underground |
115 | 1947-12-15 | Authorize sale of water plant to Municipal Authority of West View |
116 | 1948-03-08 | Tax Ordinance |
117 | 1948-05-14 | Regulating installation of septic tanks, leaching pools, privies and dispersal fields; providing for permits and regulating drainage of storm water |
118 | 1949-03-14 | Tax Ordinance |
119 | 1949-10-20 | Authorizing agreement with City of Pittsburgh and Alcosan |
120 | 1950-03-13 | Tax Ordinance |
121 | 1951-02-12 | Prohibiting running at large of dogs, or cats upon streets, highways or other persons property within Borough |
122 | 1951-03-12 | Fixing the tax rate |
122A | 1952-03-10 | Tax Ordinance |
123 | 1952-04-29 | Regulating the location of commerce, business, trades and industries; regulating/limiting height of buildings; regulating area of yards courts and open spaces |
124 | 1953-03-09 | Tax Ordinance |
125 | 1953-06-08 | Regulating erection, maintenance or existence of hedges, signs or other obstructions on property abutting highways |
126 | 1953-10-12 | Permitting offices of Secretary and Treasurer to be held by same person |
127 | 1954-01-25 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
128 | 1954-04-12 | Tax Ordinance |
129 | 1954-08-09 | Authorizing construction of public sanitary sewer across lots 6,7,8 and 9 in first addition to Ben Avon Heights (Biddeford Avenue to Norwood Avenue) |
130 | 1954-11-29 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
131 | 1954-11-29 | Regulating the use of roads, imposing wieght limits |
132 | 1955-02-21 | Fixing the tax rate |
133 | 1955-11-14 | Imposing earned income tax |
134 | 1956-03-12 | Property tax (9 mills) |
135 | 1956-06-11 | Abolishing wage tax |
136 | 1956-06-11 | Establishing a police department (formally) |
137 | 1957-01-14 | Declaring election subject to jurisdiction of Allegheny County Department of Health |
138 | 1957-03-01 | Tax rate |
139 | 1957-09-09 | Extension of Social Security coverage to employees |
140 | 1957-10-14 | Authorizing Duquesne Light to furnish electric to streets for 10 years |
141 | 1958-02-10 | Tax rate |
142 | 1958-03-17 | Establishing police death and disability fund |
143 | 1958-09-15 | Regulating discharge of waste materials into sewers |
144 | 1959-03-09 | Tax rate |
145 | 1959-10-12 | Regulating openings, excavations, refilling and resurfacing of streets (Amended by Ordinance 268) |
146 | 1960-02-08 | Tax rate |
147 | 1960-11-22 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
148 | 1961-02-13 | Imposing real estate transfer tax for general revenue purposes |
149 | 1961-02-13 | Tax rates |
150 | 1961-06-08 | Regulation of dogs and cats at large |
151 | 1961-11-31 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
152 | 1961-11-11 | Imposing real estate transfer tax for general revenue purposes |
153 | 1962-03-13 | Tax rate |
154 | 1962-05-14 | Regulating use of vehicular traffic by establishing stop signs at following intersections: Wilson Drive and Penhurst Road; Wilson Drive and Perrysville Road; Lynton Lane and New Brighton Road; New Brighton Road and Perrysville Road; Canterbury Road and New Brighton Road; Oxford Road and New Brighton Road; Clovelly Road and Stratford Road; Briar Cliff Road and Banbury Lane; Banbury Lane and Perrysville Road |
155 | 1962-11-12 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
156 | 1962-11-12 | Imposing real estate transfer tax for general revenue purposes |
157 | 1963-03-12 | Tax rate |
158 | 1963-11-12 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
159 | 1963-11-12 | Imposing real estate transfer tax for general revenue purposes |
160 | 1963-12-10 | Appointing CPA to act as auditor |
161 | 1964-04-14 | Tax rate |
162 | 1964-11-10 | Imposing real estate transfer tax for general revenue purposes |
163 | 1964-11-10 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
164 | 1965-03-09 | Tax rate |
165 | 1965-11-09 | Imposing real estate transfer tax for general fund purposes |
166 | 1965-11-09 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
167 | 1966-03-08 | Tax rate |
168 | 1966-04-12 | Approving agreement on joint recreational facilities with Emsworth, Ohio Township, and Kilbuck Township |
169 | 1966-11-08 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
170 | 1966-11-08 | Imposing real estate transfer tax for general revenue purposes |
171 | 1966-11-08 | Authorizing agreement with Avonworth Municipal Authority for use of recreational facilities |
172 | 1966-11-08 | Authorizing management contract with Avonworth Municipal Authority for operation and maintenance of recreational facilities |
173 | 1967-02-14 | Tax rate |
174 | 1967-04-11 | Assessing per capita tax on persons over 21 years |
175 | 1967-11-14 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
176 | 1967-11-14 | Imposing real estate transfer tax for general revenue purposes |
177 | 1967-11-14 | Assessing per capita tax on persons over 21 years |
178 | 1967-11-14 | Authorizing an agreement between Ben Avon Heights and Borough of Avalon to connect to existing sewers in Avalon |
179 | 1967-12-12 | Authorizing the declaration and enforcement of a curfew in the event of emergency |
180 | 1967-12-12 | Fixing the tax rate |
181 | 1968-11-12 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
182 | 1968-11-12 | Imposing real estate transfer tax for general revenue purposes |
183 | 1968-11-12 | Assessing per capita tax for general revenue purposes |
184 | 1968-12-10 | Fixing the tax rate |
185 | 1968-12-10 | Regulating solicitation and providing for the issuance of permits for solicitation |
186 | 1969-11-11 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
187 | 1969-11-11 | Imposing real estate transfer tax for general revenue purposes |
188 | 1969-11-11 | Assessing per capita tax for general revenue purposes |
189 | 1969-12-09 | Fixing the tax rate |
190 | 1970-05-12 | Establishing a 4-way stop intersection at Wilson Drive and Penhurst Road |
191 | 1970-05-12 | Establishing a 30 mph speed limit along New Brighton Road |
192 | 1970-06-09 | Prohibiting dumping of refuse in borough and providing penalties for violation |
193 | 1970-11-10 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
194 | 1970-11-10 | Imposing real estate transfer tax for general revenue purposes |
195 | 1970-11-10 | Assessing per capita tax for general revenue purposes |
196 | 1970-11-10 | Establishing a Planning Commission for development of the Borough (repealed by Ordinance 228) |
197 | 1970-012-08 | Fixing the tax rate |
198 | 1971-09-14 | Granting Centre Video Corporation privilege to construct and maintain television transmission facilities for service to the borough for 10 years |
199 | 1971-11-09 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
200 | 1971-11-09 | Imposing real estate transfer tax for general revenue purposes |
201 | 1971-11-09 | Assessing per capita tax for general revenue purposes |
202 | 1971-12-14 | Fixing the tax rate |
203 | 1972-11-14 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
205 | 1972-11-14 | Assessing per capita tax for general revenue purposes |
206 | 1972-12-12 | Fixing the tax rate |
207 | 1973-12-11 | Fixing the tax rate |
208 | 1973-12-11 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
209 | 1973-12-11 | Imposing real estate transfer tax for general revenue purposes |
210 | 1973-12-11 | Assessing per capita tax for general revenue purposes |
211 | 1973-09-10 | Increasing nonelectoral indebtedness by $55,000 for renovation of playground, construction of recreational facilities, payment to architects and payment of costs of financing |
212 | 1974-9-10 | Awarding construction contract for capital improvements to borough's playground |
213 | 1974-12-10 | Fixing the tax rate |
214 | 1974-12-10 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes |
215 | 1974-12-10 | Imposing real estate transfer tax for general revenue purposes |
216 | 1974-12-10 | Assessing per capita tax for general revenue purposes |
217 | 1975-06-10 | Regulating parking of vehicles on Lynton Lane and adjacent borough property |
218 | 1975-12-09 | Fixing the tax rate |
219 | 1975-12-09 | Imposing earned income tax for general revenue purposes (re-enacts Ordinance 214) |
220 | 1975-12-09 | Imposing real estate transfer tax for general revenue purposes (re-enacts Ordinance 215) |
221 | 1975-12-09 | Assessing per capita tax for general revenue purposes |
222 | 1976-08-10 | Regulating parking of vehicles on New Brighton Road |
223 | 1976-12-30 | Fixing the tax rate |
224 | 1977-05-10 | Regulating use of borough park or playground |
225 | 1977-06-14 | Regulating parking on borough streets |
226 | 1977-12-20 | Fixing the tax rate |
227 | 1978-12-19 | Fixing the tax rate |
228 | 1979-04-10 | Repealing Ordinance 196 which established planning commission |
229 | 1979-04-10 | Authorizing an agreement between Ben Avon Heights and Kilbuck Township for joint police force |
230 | 1979-09-11 | Authorizing Centre Video Corp. to construct and maintain a cable television system in the borough |
231 | 1979-12-11 | Fixing the tax rate |
232 | 1980-12-09 | Fixing the tax rate |
233 | 1981-04-14 | Increasing nonelectoral debt by $34,500 for the purchase of a new fire truck |
234 | 1981-12-12 | Fixing the tax rate |
235 | 1982-03-16 | Authorizing use of an excessive speed preventer by joint police force |
236 | 1982-05-11 | Establishing a 3-way stop at Clovelly and Banbury |
237 | 1982-12-14 | Fixing the tax rate |
238 | 1983-06-14 | Establishing a 15 mph speed limit along Canterbury Road |
239 | 1983-12-13 | Fixing the tax rate |
240 | 1984-10-10 | Regulating discharge of waste into sewers and long-term sewage agreement with Alcosan |
241 | 1984-12-11 | Fixing the tax rate |
242 | 1985-06-12 | Permitting the joint police force to use vascar electrical/mechanical device |
243 | 1985-12-10 | Fixing the tax rate |
244 | 1986-04-08 | Restricting placement of shade trees and shrubs and authorizing removal for violations |
245 | 1986-12-09 | Regulating parking of vehicles, on streets within the borough and providing for removal of violators |
246 | 1986-12-09 | Regulating parking of vehicles on Lynton Lane, New Brighton Road, Perrysville Road, Briarcliff Road, Wilson Drive, Clovelly Road and Banbury Road |
247 | 1986-12-09 | Fixing the tax rate |
248 | 1987-12-08 | Fixing the tax rate |
249 | 1988-09-13 | Authorizing council to review and reduce employee contributions to joint police force pension plan |
250 | 1988-12-13 | Fixing the tax rate |
251 | 1989-01-10 | Authorizing an agreement between Ben Avon Heights and Kilbuck Township to provide law enforcement services in the borough |
252 | 1989-06-13 | Terminating the participation of Ben Avon Heights in joint police force pension plan |
253 | 1989-12-12 | Fixing the tax rate |
254 | 1990-01-09 | Requiring notice to utilities and abutting property owners of street construction and/or restoration |
255 | 1990-01-09 | Establishing a 25 mph speed limit on all borough streets (except 15 mph on Canterbury Road and 30 mph on New Brighton and Perrysville Roads) |
256 | 1990-12-11 | Fixing the tax rate |
257 | Regulating nuisances and hazardous structures (i.e. trees, junk vehicles) (unsigned) | |
258 | Fixing the tax rate (unsigned) | |
259 | 1992-04-14 | Establishing a stop sign at Cambridge Road and Briar Cliff Road |
260 | 1993-12-XX | Millage Rate for 1994 (unsigned) |
261 | 1994-01-11 | Zoning Ordinance |
262 | 1994-12-XX | Millage Rate for 1995 (unsigned) |
263 | 1994-03-08 | Regulating use of fire and burglar alarm devices and assessment for violations or false alarms |
264 | 1994-10-11 | Creating a borough budgetary reserve account to deposit State Treasury funds, providing for regulation of the use of funds in fiscal emergencies and providing for severability |
265 | 1995-01-10 | Authorizing the execution of an agreement with TCI of Pennsylvania to provide for the construction and operation of a cable system within the borough |
266 | 1995-12-XX | Millage Rate for 1996 |
267 | Regulating discharge of waste into sewers and long-term sewage service agreement with Alcosan (undated) | |
268 | 1995-04-11 | Amending ordinance 145 regulating openings and excavations and resurfacing of streets in the borough |
269 | 1995-12-12 | Fixing the tax rate |
270 | 1996-12-10 | Fixing the tax rate |
271 | 1997-12-09 | Fixing the tax rate |
272 | 1997-12-03 | Lynton Lane making one way |
273 | 1997-XX-XX | Intergovernmental Agreement for Emergency 911 Services |
274 | 1998-12-07 | Fixing the Tax Rate |
275 | 1999-12-14 | Fixing the Tax Rate |
276 | 2000-05-07 | Fixing the Tax Rate |
277 | 2000-12-11 | Regulating the use of vehicular traffic, adding a stop sign at Wilson and Newgate |
278 | 2000-12-11 | Fixing the Tax Rate |
279 | 2002-04-09 | Requiring Dye Testing for impact to sewer system for all existing homes and any future real estate sale |
280 | 2001-12-11 | Regulating the use of vehicular traffic, adding a stop sign at Wilson and Newgate Roads |
281 | 2002-12-10 | Fixing the Tax Rate |
282 | 2003-12-10 | Fixing the Tax Rate |
283 | 2004-05-14 | UCC Uniform Construction Code |
284 | 2004-09-14 | Regulating the use of vehicular traffic, adding a stop sign at Banbury Ln and Briar Cliff Rd. |
285 | 2004-12-14 | Fixing the Tax Rate |
286 | 2005-12-13 | Fixing the Tax Rate |
287 | 2006-02-08 | Sidewalk Clearing |
288 | 2006-02-08 | Dissolving Intergovernmental Givernment Agreement for Emergency 911 Services |
289 | 2006-06-13 | Appointment of Planning Commission |
290 | 2006-07-11 | Regulating Vehicular Traffic by Closing Cambridge Road |
291 | 2006-12-12 | Fixing the Tax Rate for 2007 (1.5 mills) |
292 | 2007-02-14 | Setting the Tap-In Fee |
293 | 2007-03-14 | Borough Zoning Ordinance (Amends Ordinance #261) |
294 | 2007-05-08 | Amending Cambridge Road Ordinance #290 |
295 | 2007-12-11 | Fixing Tax Rate for 2008 (6.5 mills) |
296 | 2008-02-12 | Act 40 Realty Transfer Tax (Amends Ordinance #215) |
297 | 2008-05-13 | Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for Police Protection |
298 | 2008-06-10 | Verizon Fios/Cable Agreement |
299 | 2008-12-16 | Fixing the Tax Rate for 2009 (6.5 mills) |
300 | 2009-07-14 | Regulating Litter, Debris, Obnoxious Vegetation, etc. |
301 | 2009-12-15 | Fixing the Tax Rate for 2010 (6.5 mills) |
302 | 2010-03-09 | Increasing Indebtedness to $158,500 for 2010 Street Repaving |
303 | 2010-05-11 | Comcast Cable Renewal Agreement |
304 | 2010-05-11 | Street Opening Specifications |
305 | 2010-05-11 | Planning Commission Ordinance Amendment |
306 | 2010-07-13 | Hauling Permits and Weight Limits |
307 | 2010-08-10 | Adopting Schedule of Fees to Collect Alcosan Delinquent Accounts |
308 | 2011-01-01 | Fixing the Tax Rate for 2011 |
309 | 2011-12-14 | Fixing the Tax Rate for 2012 |
310 | 2012-04-10 | Amending Street Opening Permits – Annual Bonding added |
311 | 2012-05-08 | Intergovernmental Agreement with Avalon for Joint Emergency Operations |
312 | 2012-05-15 | Increasing Indebtedness to $560,000.00 for 2012 Road, Sewer & Wall |
313 | 2012-07-17 | Intergovernmental Agreement with Ohio Township for Police Service Agreement |
314 | 2012-08-14 | Amending 131 and 306 Hauling Limits and Permits (Repealed by 334) |
315 | 2012-10-16 | Amending 185 Canvassing and Solicitation |
316 | 2012-11-14 | Rental Property Registration |
317 | 2012-12-12 | Fixing the Tax Rate for 2013 |
318 | 2012-12-12 | Sewage Fee Collection |
319 | 2013-01-08 | Act 20 fee schedules and collection |
320 | 2013-04-09 | Recalculating the Tax Rate for 2013 |
321 | 2013-07-09 | Amending Ordinance No.318 Borough Sewer Charges and Alcosan Delinq. Bills |
322 | 2013-12-11 | Fixing the Tax Rate for 2014 |
323 | 2014-01-14 | Permitting Residential Deduct Water Meters |
324 | 2014-04-08 | Regulating Pet Waste and modifying penalty for at large animals |
325 | 2014-05-18 | Intergovernmental agreement RE: Sewer line maintenance, operation & replacement |
326 | 2014-08-12 | Intergovernmental Agreement for Selecting a Consultant for Multi-Municipality Comprehensive Plan |
327 | 2014-11-12 | Adopting Schedule of Attorney Fees to Collect Unpaid Taxes and Delinquent Accounts |
328 | 2014-12-15 | Fixing the Tax Rate for 2105 |
329 | 2015-04-14 | Increasing indebtedness by $92,766.00 for 2015 Roadway and Sewer Improv. |
330 | 2015-12-09 | Fixing the Tax Rate for 2015 |
331 | 2016-03-18 | Increasing indebtedness by $368,354 upgrade sewer, street |
332 | 2016-05-10 | Amending Street Opening Permits and No. 310 |
333 | 2016-12-13 | Fixing the Tax Rate for 2017 |
334 | 2016-12-13 | Repealing Ordinance, No 314 Hauling Permits |
335 | 2017-09-12 | Amending No. 332 Regulating Street Openings |
336 | 2017-10-10 | Police Protection Intergovernmental Agreement |
337 | 2017-12-12 | Fixing the Tax Rate for 2018 |
338 | 2018-04-10 | Withdrawal from Emerg. Mgmt with Avalon Intergovernmental Agreement |
339 | 2018-06-12 | Enter Intergovernmental Agreement with Ohio Township for Emergency Operations |
340 | 2018-12-11 | Fixing the Tax Rate for 2019 |
341 | 2018-12-11 | Storm water management |
342 | 2019-05-07 | Amending zoning ord. 261 – to provide for private recreation uses as permitted principal use in the R-residential dist. |
343 | 2020-01-07 | Fixing the Tax Rate for 2020, and also confirming and restating time periods for payment of taxes, and imposition of penalties and interest |
344 | 2020-01-07 | Amending and Restating Ordinance No. 318 setting borough and Alcosan sewer charges or rentals |
345 | 2020-12-08 | Fixing the Tax Rate for 2021, and also confirming and restating time periods for payment of taxes, and imposition of penalties and interest |
346 | 2021-08-10 | Regulating the Discharge of waste materials into the sewer of the Borough of Ben Avon Heights, and also providing for the formal adoption of Alcosan Pre-treatment regulations and allowing adoption of such regulations in the future by resolution |
347 | 2021-09-14 | Prohibiting the storage or parking of junked or partially dismantled motor vehicles and limiting the parking of boats and recreational vehicles on residential property in the Borough of Ben Avon Heights |
348 | 2021-12-14 | Fixing the Tax Rate For the Fiscal Year 2022, and also confirming and restating time periods for payment of taxes, and imposition of penalties and interest |
349 | 2022-04-12 | Amending Ordiannce 279 to include additional requirements for sanitary sewer lateral inspections upon sale or transfer of real property |
350 | 2022-07-12 | Intergovernmental Agreement with Ohio Township for Police Protectiony |
351 | 2022-04-12 | Waive Additional Charges for Real Estate Taxes when a Taxpayer Requests a Waiver of Additional Charges AND Fails to Recieve a Tax Notice when a Property Transfer has taken place within the previous twelve months |
352 | 2022-11-08 | Amending Ordinance 224, for the estabilshment of rules and regulations for all borough-owned real estate, parks, recreation, and playground areas |
353 | 2023-03-14 | Defining And restricting the maximum sound levels (noise) that are emitted from properties |
354 | 2023-03-14 | Amending Ordinance No. 245 To Modify The Time Periods And Locations In Which On-Street Parking Is Prohibited And To Enact A Process Through Which Residents Who Meet Certain Qualifications May Obtain On-Street Parking Permits |
Ordinance No. | Ordinance Date | Ordinance Title |